Saturday, December 27, 2008

The "Suryanamaskar"

Here is our yoga expert Juhi Garg, who will address all your queries about yoga and also write on yogic exercises.

Given below is the sought-after Suryanamaskar, which is often also, considered the shortcut to great body and mind. Dedicate around 10 seconds daily to each pose, and you would be done with the complete sequence in 2 minutes, giving your entire body and mind, both a good workout. It is preferable to do suryanamaskar early mornings in the open while facing the sun to absorb the immense energy this source provides. Pregnant women must avoid though.


1. Stand straight facing the sun with both hands folded

2. Raise your hands over the head. Bend backwards with the hands too going backwards. Remember to bend from the lower back and not strain the neck too much.

3. Now along with your hands, get your upper body to bend forward towards your knees. Attempt at making your hands go down to your feet, touching them and head being closest to your knees. Again, bend from the lower back to avoid overstretching any of your muscles.

4. Bring the right leg backwards with the knee touching the ground. Left foot to be bent at the knee between the hands. Hands to be in front of the body with the palms on the ground. Look up.

5. Now arch up your body completely from the hips. Keep the feet together and palms on the ground. Head to be between the hands looking downwards.

6. Bring the body on the ground with the feet, knees, palms, chest and forehead touching.

7. Raise your upper body with the lower firmly on the ground. Bend the upper body backwards as much as comfortable with the back forming a curve.

8. Repeat step 5

9. Repeat step 4 with the left leg going backwards.

10. Repeat step 3

11. Repeat step 2

12. Repeat step 1

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Six mantras that help you overpower stress at your workplace

Six mantras that help you overpower stress at your workplace

Stress is an everyday part of life, and while there are many types of stress, there are also healthy and unhealthy ways of dealing with stress. Stress can directly affect your health and wellbeing. This makes dealing with stress an important issue for all of us. Here are a few useful tips that can help you combat stress in a very effective manner.
Six mantras that help you overpower stress at your workplace
Finding out the true cause of your stress is a very important thing. Until you know its cause you can’t devise ways of coming out of it. Stress management is of such high concern as being stressed can bring in multiple problems both to your professional and personal life.
1  For discovering new ways of managing stress you must find the exact cause of your stress and how you react to it. Managing stress is a very important aspect for any human being. Keeping a record of the activities that make you feel stressed out can help you in beating stress to a great extent and in a very effective way.

2  Sharing your reasons for getting stressed out with your near and dear ones can also help a lot. By telling them about your stress you will feel very relieved. They can even suggest new methods of dealing with stress.
3  One of the main reasons of stress could be overwork. If your overload yourself with work even then you feel stressed. Doing much more than what you actually can could prove very harmful to your health. By overworking you not only harm yourself but your work as well. The quality of your work can be greatly affected if you overdo your work. 
4  Many people jump from crises to crises, and at the end of the day they have not really done what is important to them. This can be due to a lack of goals, inability to say no, not delegating effectively. One of the main reasons for stress is when people fail to plan their work. Plan to do those things that are important to you, and then make sure that you do them and you can keep at bay from stress.
5  Exercising regularly can also help you get rid of stress at a very fast pace. Meditation and yoga are also very effective tools when it comes to reducing stress. Try squeezing in some physical activity in your daily routine. This could prove to be a very great stress buster. Workouts like taking the stairs instead of the elevator or taking a stroll during your freetime at work can also help a lot.
6  Your attitude plays a major role in your happiness at work. Being cheerful and mingling well with your colleagues can also help in overcoming stress to a very great extent.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Abdominal Breathing

Let’s try an exercise together. Begin by closing your eyes and focusing on your breathing. Are you:

· breathing rapidly or slowly?
· taking deep breaths or shallow breaths?
· feeling the breath in the center of your chest, or down around your abdomen?

Most people tend to breathe in a slightly abnormal way, they tend to hold in their stomachs, make little use of their diaphragm, and breathe using the muscles of their upper chest, neck and shoulders. This is not the most effective way to get the needed oxygen to our brain and muscles. If you watch babies or animals breathe, you will notice that they breathe with their whole bodies, their bellies rise and fall with each breath. For some reason, we stop doing this when we outgrow diapers. No one really knows why.

The good news is that we can relearn how to breathe properly – learning to breathe using our abdomens. This can help us control our feelings of stress. In fact, abdominal breathing is the single most effective strategy for stress reduction! A person’s normal breathing rate is 8-12 breaths per minute. But if someone is stressed, or having a panic attack, they tend to breathe faster (up to 20-30 breaths per minute) and more shallowly. Although we may seem to be breathing more when this happens, we are not actually get much oxygen in, and the breathing is not as effective as it could be.

Abdominal breathing means breathing fully from your abdomen or from the bottom of your lungs. It is exactly the reverse of the way you breathe when you’re anxious or tense, which is typically shallow and high in your chest. If you’re breathing from your abdomen, you can place your hand on your abdomen and see it actually rise each time you inhale. You’ll find that abdominal breathing will help you relax any time you are feeling anxious.

To practice abdominal breathing, follow these steps:

1. Place one hand on your abdomen right beneath your rib cage
2. Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose into the bottom of your lungs. Your chest should move only slightly, while your stomach rises, pushing your hand up.
3. When you’ve inhaled fully, pause for a moment and then exhale fully through your mouth. Purse your lips and imagine that you are blowing on a hot spoonful of soup. As you exhale, just let yourself go and imagine your entire body going loose and limp. It should take you twice as long to exhale as it did to inhale.
4. In order to fully relax, take and release ten abdominal breaths. Try to keep your breathing smooth and regular throughout, without gulping in a big breath or exhaling suddenly.